The Largest Pope Picture of the World

While the current Pope is visiting Berlin, the Axel Springer AG (one of the largest multimedia companies in Europe) came up with something special; a 60 meter high poster of Benedict XVI.

The poster shows the front page of the famous German “Newspaper” BILD from April 20th, 2005 (white letters: “WE ARE POPE!”) and hangs on both sides of the Axel Springer building in the middle of Berlin.

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Light Message for Peace – 150 Years Germany – Japan

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the relationship between Germany and Japan, light was used to project the word “Peace” in languages from around the world on Berlin’s most representative landmark, the Brandenburg Gate. One program, 2 different Parts, with orchestral music and an amazing art-light-show, enchanted hundreds of visitors for about 30 minutes.

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IFA11 – Get In Touch

IFA 2011 is coming to an end, tomorrow will be the last chance to visit the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances.

The world’s most important and largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA 2011, began on 2 September with a further 4 per cent increase in the rented display area and 1,441 exhibitors (+ 1%). Taking as its slogan this year “Get in touch”, it resumes its successful progress as it continues to consolidate its leading position in the world.

Surely I went there to see what’s new on the market and of course I took a couple of pictures to give you some impressions from this year’s trade show.

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Magical Open-Air – 125 Years Kurfürstendamm

The Kurfürstendamm received a fantastic birthday present, huge helium-filled fairytale creatures designed by the French artists’ group Plasticiens Volants, a fish, sea snakes, dragons, lizards, birds and a gigantic “Happy birthday, Ku’damm” hot air balloon with more than 40 French and Berlin-based artists in costumes or on stilts. From Halensee to Breitscheidplatz, tens of thousands celebrated this special open air theater.

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