Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Launch Party Berlin

Activison-Blizzard invited me to the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Launch Party in Berlin, and because I’m a fan of the Call of Duty franchise since they released their first title back in 2003, I was excited to play and test the newest installment of the series.

Adam Rosas, the Lead Cinematics Animator and Motion Capture Director was there to talk with the guests and to sign all the bought copies of the game after the sale started at 0.00 GMT+1.

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Diablo 3 Launch Event Berlin

Yesterday.. or today, was the International Launch of Diablo 3 with special launch events in major cities around the globe. Thousands of people waited (many hours) in line for a copy of one of the most anticipated games in 2012.

And of course, Blizzard Entertainment developers were on-site, in Berlin, Lead Content Designer Kevin Martens and Lead Programmer Jason Regier answered questions and signed posters and copies of the game.

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World of Warcraft Cataclysm Launch Event Berlin

The Cataclysm has finally arrived in Europe and the United States and I know everyone is busy leveling up their characters but for those who are interested to see how Blizzard celebrated the release of their newest Add-On in other cities around the world,

I have a couple of pictures from the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Launch Event in Berlin with today’s special guests, Lead Encounter Designer Scott Mercer and Lead Software Engineer Patrick Magruder, who gladly signed everyone’s newly purchased copy of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

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