Berlin Highland Games 2012

To celebrate the Scottish and Celtic culture, Highland Games are being held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries across the globe. Bagpipe music, tartan pattered kilts, and of course, the heavy events, Caber tossing, stone putting, hammer throwing and Weight over the bar.

Because Berlin is a city of many cultures and even St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated every year, the highland games shouldn’t be missed. The strongest Men (and Women) from all across Germany gathered this weekend (14. and 15. July) in Berlin’s Gardens of the World, to compete in this special event.

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Carnival of Cultures Berlin 2012

Four days of celebration with a major parade to end it all. It’s the time, where the The Karneval der Kulturen (eng. Carnival of Cultures) takes place in Berlin and 5.000 dancer watched by 750.000 spectators walk the about 3,5km long road from Hermannplatz to Yorkstraße, while dancing and celebrating the most joyful day of the year.

People from all over the world come to Berlin to take a look at the colorful costumes and cheerful performances.

The idea of a carnival which presents the cultural and ethnic diversity of Berlin was developed in 1995, as a consequence to the political and economic changes since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the two German states, to highlight the cultural richness of Berlin and the often hidden treasures of its international cultural scene.

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Carnival of Cultures Berlin 2011

After four days, the Carnival of Cultures 2011 ended yesterday with a big parade from Hermannplatz to Yorckstraße. About 4.800 participants organised in 93 groups and about 700.000 visitors changed Kreuzberg into a sea of colours and ideas.

The street procession focussed on the cultural richness of Berlin, and also highlighted the often hidden treasures of its international cultural scene.

I took about 1000 pictures, but sadly I can’t show all of them, so I think that 29 pictures will be enough to give you an idea of what happened yesterday.

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BURN OUT MAN Berlin 2011

Another cool Event last weekend was the BURN OUT MAN Festival, or LUNAR PARK Festival, an international art and culture festival over 3 day with quite an interesting ending.

“During three days the visitors and SHOWCASE BEAT LE MOT put up the monstrous figure of the BURN OUT MAN. Together they integrated their wishes and fears into this giant in order to sacrifice him at the end in an excessive ritual”

So it’s kinda like the Burning Man in Nevada, just a little bit smaller.

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