Jason Segel’s Nightmares!

Jason Segel, multitalented actor, writer, and musician, teamed up with New York Times bestselling author Kirsten Miller for his first middle-grade novel, Nightmares! (en)Die Schrecken der Nacht! (de) and to promote his creation he attended an autograph-session at Hugendubel KaDeWe on November 17, 2014 in Berlin.

The book is the first one in a trilogy about a boy named Charlie and a group of kids who must face their fears to save their town.

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Bud Spencer Autograph Session KaDeWe Berlin 2011

Carlo Pedersoli alias Bud Spencer, the Italian actor and filmmaker signed his autobiography “My Life, My Films” today at Hugendubel KaDeWe Berlin.

Carlo, born on 31 October 1929, is best known for past roles in spaghetti westerns together with his long time filmpartner Terence Hill.

The autobiography is written with humorous anecdotes and peppered with many autobiography sketches where Bud Spencer shows his personal side.

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