Ai WeiWei – Evidence Exhibition Berlin

Evidence, the Exhibition by famous Chinese artist Ai WeiWei, was held in Berlin from April 03 – July 13, 2014. With works that have never before been shown in Germany, the exhibition featured three decades of Ai WeiWei’s career in 18 different rooms (3,000 m²). It was the largest exhibition Ai WeiWei has ever done. Part of the works were developed only for Berlin.

Ai, who was kept in a cell illegally for 81 days in a secret prison (see below) where the light was switched on for 24 hours a day and is currently a prisoner of his own country and isn’t allowed to leave, designed this political exhibition especially for Berlin in his simple and spacious studio in the rural outskirts of Beijing

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Berlin Christmas Trees 2013

There are many Christmas trees you can see in Berlin, like Sony’s blue light tree at the Sony Center, or the trash tree at Kurfürstendamm. But the big highlights every year are the Christmas trees in front of Berlin’s government buildings, the Reichstag and Kanzleramt and of course the Brandenburger Tor.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Maybe not the best Snow Batman out there

But definitely newsworthy. Building a Snowman never gets old, especially when you create something different. The builder of this frosty fella was apparently a fan of a famous DC Superhero and even without his arms, he looks quite intimidating, standing in front of the Berlin Reichstag.