Maybe not the best Snow Batman out there

But definitely newsworthy. Building a Snowman never gets old, especially when you create something different. The builder of this frosty fella was apparently a fan of a famous DC Superhero and even without his arms, he looks quite intimidating, standing in front of the Berlin Reichstag.

Early Morning Silence

Even the most visited place in Berlin rests quietly on an early Monday morning.

The Pitfalls of Snow

With all these snowstorms recently, it’s not a good idea to let your bike outside. A little bit more snow and it will be hard to find it again. This could be really annoying if you have an important appointment.

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Winter in the City

I heard something about Climate Change and Global Warming, but when I look outside my window, it’s an Ice Age out there. After 4 weeks, the snow is still there, the temperature has raised up to -5°C (23°F) so it’s not so cold anymore.

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When there is snow outside

With this much snow, it’s pretty common to build a snowman, but some kids in the neighborhood have selected a very strange place for their snowy friend.

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Happy New Year and Welcome to 2010

I’m a bit late but, I hope you all had a great start into the new year! It’s still cold outside and the snow is about 20 cm high. It’s pretty rare for Berlin and I can’t remember the last time we had so much snow, even with temperatures around -15°C  (+5.0 °F).

Anyway! I wish you all the best for 2010!

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Coca Cola Christmas Truck Tour 2009

Like every year, the Coca Cola Christmas Trucks were on a tour through every major city in Germany and the final parade was held in Berlin yesterday. Ten trucks with four stages and a snack bar to buy Bratwurst and Glühwein against the cold.

With -16°C (3.2°F) and heavy snowfall, it was the coldest day of the year. But that was not a real problem and thousands of people were following the parade on its way from the Kurfürstendamm, via the Potsdamer Platz and the Brandenburger Tor to its final goal, the Rote Rathaus Berlin.

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Chinese Ice Art – Beijing Beiguodingyu


It’s winter! Well, only meteorological but, the next thing I will show you is typical for this season, no snow but ice. For the first time ever, Chinese artists displaying their ancient ice art in Germany. Six-metre-high sculptures on 1200 square metres, with a constant exhibition temperature of minus.. well let’s say it was damn cold.

The Sculptures, created by a large number of international prize winners, are to be continually expanded upon and finalized during the exhibition. The exhibition itself is held between the November 27th 2009 and February 22nd 2010 near the O2 World Berlin.

Huan Ying Guang Lin! or You are all very welcome!

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Model Railway Exhibition at Berlin’s Ostbahnhof

The Modellbahnverband in Deutschland e.V. ( German Model Railway Society ) staged an exhibition, to celebrate his 15th anniversary.

It was fascinating to see those little trains driving through a really beautiful created world of snow, woods and mountains. A journey through the Alps, the United States, Germany and even a time travel to Berlin after the Second World War.

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