Traffic Lights Exhibition Berlin

Ever wondered how the traffic lights in Spain, Denmark or China look like? Now it’s time to find out. The East Berlin “Traffic Light Man” (Ger: Ampelmännchen) and thirty different friends from around the world celebrating the 50. Anniversary of the East Berlin Traffic Light Man by holding an exhibition at Berlin’s Monbijou Park till January 2012.

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Looking at Asia – Puppet Exhibition Berlin

I got an invitation from the Japanese-German Center Berlin, to take a look at their newest Exhibition, “Looking at Asia“, a selection of different puppets created by Furuta Aya a puppet creator from Nagano/Suwa.

Furuta Aya earned many awards since she created her first puppet in 1977 and was also featured at the TBS Doll Show in Tokyo this year. Now, for the first time ever, she brought her puppets to Germany, to celebrate the “150 Years of Friendship between Germany and Japan”.

So if you have some time to spare, the exhibition will be held till January 6th 2012 and the entry is free.

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World Press Photo Exhibition Berlin 2011

During the last week, the World Press Photo organization held an exhibition at Berlin’s S-Bahn Station Friedrichstraße, showing the winners of the World Press Photo Award 2011.

World Press Photo is an independent, non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Founded in 1955 the organization is known for holding the world’s largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest.

The Exhibition contained over 100 pictures from all over the world, events that happened in 2010. A complete Gallery with all pictures can be found at, some of these pictures may not be suitable for children’s eyes.

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IFA11 – Get In Touch

IFA 2011 is coming to an end, tomorrow will be the last chance to visit the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances.

The world’s most important and largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA 2011, began on 2 September with a further 4 per cent increase in the rented display area and 1,441 exhibitors (+ 1%). Taking as its slogan this year “Get in touch”, it resumes its successful progress as it continues to consolidate its leading position in the world.

Surely I went there to see what’s new on the market and of course I took a couple of pictures to give you some impressions from this year’s trade show.

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GamesCom 2011 Public Days

GamesCom 2011 is over with a new record of 275.000 visitors (254.000 in 2010) and I’m finally back in Berlin. I had a lot of fun and it was really interesting talking to the different developers, publishers, news agencies, magazines and fan-websites about upcoming and released games. I also took a lot of pictures during my time in Cologne and after you’ve seen the press day, here are the remaining ones from this year’s public days.

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GamesCom 2011 Press Day

Welcome to the World’s largest trade fair and event highlight for interactive games and entertainment, with 550 exhibitors (500 in 2010) and almost 40 countries (33 in 2010) on 120.000 m² of floor space. Okay, enough with the numbers, here are the first pictures from this years press day at Gamescom Cologne 2011.

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The Castle of Berlin and the Humboldt Box

The Stadtschloss, in English the Berlin City Palace, was a royal palace in the centre of Berlin. It was the principal residence of the Hohenzollern Kings of Prussia from 1701 to 1918 (the German Emperors from 1871 to 1918) and a museum following the fall of the German Empire in 1918.

Damaged by Allied bombing in World War II, although possible to repair at great expense, the palace was demolished in 1950 by the GDR authorities, despite West German protests. Following the reunification of Germany, it was decided to rebuild the Stadtschloss.

The new Castle will be named Humboldt Forum and will be rebuilt as a replica of the former Baroque building. In the meantime a big blue box, called HumboldtBox, will cover the empty space right beside the Berlin Cathedral. If you want to know more about the whole project, just visit the exhibition on the first floor, or if you just want to relax, the restaurant on the fifth floor provides you a 360° panoramic view over Berlin.

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Madame Tussauds Berlin

Madame Tussauds, founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud, displaying waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and famous murderers has now grown to become a major tourist attraction around the world with branches in Amsterdam, Bangkok, Berlin, Blackpool, Dubai, Hamburg, Hollywood, Hong Kong, Hot Springs, AR, Las Vegas, Moscow, New York City, Shanghai, Vienna and Washington, D.C.

Madame Tussauds Berlin is your chance to experience the real glamour and elegance of Berlin and the World of celebrity. You will find a total of 82 figures featuring predominantly historical dignitaries, cultural icons and A-list celebrities.

Meet and interact with the people that shaped German history and culture and learn about their achievements through hands-on exhibits and immersive sets.

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Körperwelten – Body Worlds – Berlin 2011

Fascinating and informative, BODY WORLDS “Körperwelten” is back in Berlin with its newest exhibition, “The Story of a Heart”. More than 32 million people have seen this exhibition so far, featuring a unique collection of over 200 authentic human specimens including whole-body plastinates, organs and translucent body slices.

The BODY WORLDS exhibitions are first-of-their-kind exhibitions through which visitors learn about anatomy, physiology, and health by viewing real human bodies, using an extraordinary process called Plastination a groundbreaking method for specimen preservation invented by Dr. von Hagens in 1977.

The exhibition was held till the 14th of August 2011 at Postbahnhof / Berlin Ostbahnhof, Straße der Pariser Kommune 8.

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