Berlin Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day 2014

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and thousands of Irish locals celebrated this day in Berlin with live bagpipe music (provided by the Berlin Pipe Company), a huge parade and a live concert with international guests at Berlin’s Arena, with the best of traditional Irish music, Irish dance and Irish food and drinks.

After everything started in 2011, organized by the Irish Society of Berlin, 2014 was the fourth year in a row the green festival was celebrated in Berlin.

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Berlin Highland Games 2012

To celebrate the Scottish and Celtic culture, Highland Games are being held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries across the globe. Bagpipe music, tartan pattered kilts, and of course, the heavy events, Caber tossing, stone putting, hammer throwing and Weight over the bar.

Because Berlin is a city of many cultures and even St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated every year, the highland games shouldn’t be missed. The strongest Men (and Women) from all across Germany gathered this weekend (14. and 15. July) in Berlin’s Gardens of the World, to compete in this special event.

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Berlin Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day 2012

It’s St. Patrick’s Day around the globe and everyone is celebrating this special day with lots of green and lots of beer. Also for the first time, landmarks throughout the world have been illuminated green to mark the day, for example, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Niagara Falls, the London Eye, the Burj al Arab hotel in Dubai, the Cibeles fountain in Madrid, the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, the Table Mountain in Cape Town and the Television Tower in Berlin.

Berlin had his very own St. Patrick’s Day parade and about one thousand Irish tourists and locals marched to bagpipe music through the city.

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