Best of Berlin 2013

It’s 2014, welcome to a new year of exciting and interesting events and festivals in Berlin!

But let’s remember what happened last year, while movie premieres clearly dominated the year of 2013 and traditional events like the Green Week, St Patrick’s Day or the Oberbaum Bridge Water Fight were back in town, Berlin also had a good variety of new events, like the celebration of HOLI in Germany, President Barack Obama’s visit to Berlin, the European Kendo Championships or David Hasselhoff’s attempt to save the wall.

The year 2013 in Pictures.

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US-President Barack Obama in Berlin

The President of the United States, Barack Obama, together with his wife, Michelle and his two girls Sasha and Malia visited Berlin on Wednesday June 19th 2013.

During their stay, the Family stayed at Berlin’s luxury hotel, the Ritz-Carlton and while President Obama was meeting Chancellor Angela Merkel and the President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, his wife and the kids visited different historical locations like the Holocast Memorial or the Checkpoint Charlie.

Their famous plane, the Air Force One, was parked at the military part of the Berlin Tegel Airport, visible for everyone through the windows of Terminal C.

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