Best of Berlin 2013

It’s 2014, welcome to a new year of exciting and interesting events and festivals in Berlin!

But let’s remember what happened last year, while movie premieres clearly dominated the year of 2013 and traditional events like the Green Week, St Patrick’s Day or the Oberbaum Bridge Water Fight were back in town, Berlin also had a good variety of new events, like the celebration of HOLI in Germany, President Barack Obama’s visit to Berlin, the European Kendo Championships or David Hasselhoff’s attempt to save the wall.

The year 2013 in Pictures.

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David Hasselhoff to save the Wall

A lot is happening in Berlin right now, the famous East Side Gallery, one of Berlin’s historical Landmarks, painted by many international artists, faces partial demolition.

Thousands of protesters have gathered during the last days, at the longest remaining stretch of the Berlin Wall, to protest against a planned construction project, to remove small parts of the wall to make way for a luxury block of flats on the former GDR death strip.

On Sunday, March 17-2013, David Hasselhoff came back to Berlin, to support the protest, driving alongside the wall in a yellow van mounted with speakers while singing “Looking for Freedom”, the same song he sang at the 1989 New Year’s Party in Berlin, shortly after the wall dividing East and West Germany was torn down.

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Happy New Year and Welcome to 2010

I’m a bit late but, I hope you all had a great start into the new year! It’s still cold outside and the snow is about 20 cm high. It’s pretty rare for Berlin and I can’t remember the last time we had so much snow, even with temperatures around -15°C  (+5.0 °F).

Anyway! I wish you all the best for 2010!

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