Best of Berlin 2013

It’s 2014, welcome to a new year of exciting and interesting events and festivals in Berlin!

But let’s remember what happened last year, while movie premieres clearly dominated the year of 2013 and traditional events like the Green Week, St Patrick’s Day or the Oberbaum Bridge Water Fight were back in town, Berlin also had a good variety of new events, like the celebration of HOLI in Germany, President Barack Obama’s visit to Berlin, the European Kendo Championships or David Hasselhoff’s attempt to save the wall.

The year 2013 in Pictures.

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Oberbaum Bridge “Water” Fight 2013

Every year since the beginning of time (1998), the two Berlin districts Friedrichshain (fhain) and Kreuzberg (xberg) fight an anarchic battle right in the middle of Berlin’s Oberbaum Bridge, for the title, King of the Bridge.

The Bridge, considered as one of Berlin’s landmarks, links the two districts above the Spree and separated East and West during the GDR times.

To win, you need to push you opponent back to its district and in 2013, Friedrichshain clearly dominated the fight.

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Berlin Viktoriapark Water Fight

Every month throughout the summer, Water-Fight-Flash-Mobs are being organized through Facebook. Those Water Fights, where only water is allowed, have nothing to do with the Oberbaum Water Fight where other harmless objects can be used.

The water fight today was located in the Viktoriapark, an urban park in the locality of Kreuzberg, on the top of an artificial waterfall at the foot of the Schinkel’s National Monument.

About 50 People gathered with Super Soakers, buckets and everything that can hold water to splash it in other people’s faces. Just a normal Sunday afternoon in Kreuzberg.

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Great Oberbaum Water Fight

Oberbaum-Bridge 2011, a war between two districts, a war between Kreuzberg (Xberg) and Friedrichshain (Fhain), a war with everything you can throw but won’t hurt people. Since 1998, each summer, people of all kinds and all ages meet up at Oberbaum-Bridge Berlin to fight an anarchic battle with rotten fruits, water-bombs and similar harmless objects.

This year’s winner and therefore the new champion of the bridge is Kreuzberg.

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